Shy Birds

Hiding behind leaves, turning away…I just couldn’t grab a clear shot of these guys!

Sony A68/Capture One

Far Away Birds

Every once in awhile I try my hand at photographing birds, and they are usually too far away for the mediocre lens that I have to get anything super clear. It’s still fun to try and see what I get though. They are a challenge to capture for me – flying around and hopping from branch to branch so quickly!

Sony A68/Capture One

Marshland Bird

There’s a marsh near my home that I like to go to a few times throughout the year because it changes depending on if the caretakers have recently cut back the grass or reeds or how tall they have grown since last time I was out. The water level fluctuates as well. The bird life can vary too.

This week I went out and stood in the same spot for twenty minutes and took a couple dozen images. Ended up with 12 keepers, enough for 7 posts. 🙂

I used five of those twenty minutes on this bird alone. He was really far away, so mostly what I got is a nice silhouette of him.

He sat on that branch forever tweeting away. I stayed on him though, because I was determined to get a shot of him flying away. And by gosh, I did!

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