Comparing Pics on My New Phone

Shot as jpg, edited in phone’s built in editor
Shot as jpg, edited in Snapseed
Shot in RAW, edited in Snapseed
Shot in RAW, edited in Capture One

To me, the image shot as jpg looks almost identical in each photo editor. I think Snapseed did a slightly better job with the colors tones.

It appears the jpg images in each editor came out much more saturated than the RAW ones in their respective editors. Any ideas as to why this happened? I thought raw was supposed to capture more info than jpg. The only thing I can think of is many phone cameras have HDR processing baked into their software, which would maybe process jpgs more saturated but leave the raw as is since it is technically not processed yet???

Overall, I almost prefer the Snapseed jpg over the Snapseed raw because of the increased saturation and the Snapseed raw over the Capture One raw for the same reason, although Capture One did a better job at preserving the details of the raw than Snapseed did, so if I had to choose between the two for sure for a raw file I would probably go with Capture One.

To sum it up, for jpg I would go with Snapseed over the phone’s built in editor and for RAW I would go with Capture One over Snapseed. But what would I choose between Snapseed jpg and Capture One raw? I think it depends on how saturated I want it and if I am willing to give up some detail for that saturation.

What do you think?

Images taken with Pixel 6

Edit:. After I posted this and was looking at it again, I actually think I might prefer the jpg edited in the phone’s built in editor because it preserved the highlights where the sun was hitting different areas much better than Snapseed did. 😩

Rainy Day Part 2

I recently upgraded my editing software to its latest version (Capture One Pro 22) and it has the added function of merging images to form one HDR (high dynamic range) image. Below is, first, a single photo I tried to expose in camera as best I could for the highlights and shadows. I then made edits to it in Capture One.

The second photo is a merge of three separate images, one exposed the best I could for the entire picture, one exposed correctly for the sky where most of the highlights are, and one exposed for the shadows in the landscape. I then made edits to the MERGED image in Capture One.

Single image + edit
Merging of three separate images taken at different (bracketed) exposures + edit

The differences aren’t huge but the merged image appears to have a slightly bigger range of highlights and shadows. I tried my hardest to edit the single image to look as balanced as the merged one does but I couldn’t achieve it in post processing. Like I said, the difference is subtle but I think big enough for me to play around with this technique again.

Sony a7 III/ Capture One

Thinking of Spring

It is snowing again here today. Ice too. Schools and meetings are cancelled. I hope I can still get my hair done tomorrow morning. It was already cancelled once a couple weeks ago with the last snow!

Sony a7III/Capture One

Experimenting with Circular Polarizer

I am trying to decide if it was worth getting one. What are your experiences with them?

with circular polarizer
no circular polarizer

I notice in the above 2 photos that the one with the circular polarizer blends the colors better; the transitions are smoother. It also reduces the highlights significantly. You can especially see this on the house.

Below are several more photos of snow using and not using the circular polarizer. I don’t like it on the snow because it takes a pure white snow and makes it look dingy. While it eliminates the glaring highlights, it seems to warm up the color temperature too much and puts a slight yellow tinge to it. What do you think?

with circular polarizer
no circular polarizer
circular polarizer
no circular polarizer

I See 600 Followers

This is one of the interesting sculptures at Laumeier Sculpture Park in St. Louis, MO.

Pixel 3a XL /Snapseed

Also, thank you to Joe and the rest of you 600 followers for your interest in my photography blog!

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